Obituaries 1848
Wm, Snodgrass, son of W.W. & Ann E. Snodgrass, died 5 Jun 1848.
The Baltimore Sun Obit, April 21, 1848
In Anne Arundel county, Md., on the 18th instant, James Jubb, in the
year of his age.
Near Ellicott's Mills, Howard District, on the 14th instant, of
fever, William Henry Harrison, aged 3 years and 11 months, son of Francis
Rebecca Earlougher.
The Baltimore Sun Obituaries May 9, 1848
On the morning of the 8th instant, William Duff, in the 38th year of
age. By this death the community has sustained the loss of a
very worthy and
excellent young man, one of the most ingenious mechanics in our city.
Mr. D.
has for several years been superintendent of machinery at the outer
depot of
the Baltimore and Philadelphia Rail Road, which office he discharged
great satisfaction, and was the inventor of several important improvements
connected with steam power, etc.
His friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend
funeral, from his late residence, No. 236 Eastern avenue, to-morrow
(Wednesday) morning, at 10 o'clock, without further notice.
On the 8th instant, Miss Mary Chaires, in the 46th year of her age.
On the 2d instant, William A., son of John W. and Elizabeth
A. Birckhead,
aged 2 months and 7 days.
At Ellicott's Mills, of scarlet fever, on the 1st inst., RANDOLPH RIDGLEY,
aged 1 and year 11 months, son of Francis and Rebecca Earlougher.
Fond parents, wipe they tears away,
Suppress thy heavy sighs;
Just while you hear your darling say,
I dwell in yonder skies.
Weep not for me, oh parents dear,
But to they Saviour look;
'Twas he who led my spirit here,
My name is in his book.
Baltimore Sun of Wednesday, 16 Aug 1848
Submitted by: Anne Marie Willis
MULLAN - On Tuesday, at 1 A.M.,
after a short but painful illness, in the 4?th year of his age, JAMES MULLAN, a
native of the County Leath, Ireland, but for the last 20 years a much respected
citizen of Baltimore. He leaves an affectionate wife and two small children to
mourn their irreparable loss.
His friends and acquaintances, also the relatives and friends of his wife's
family, are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, from his late residence,
(the Howard House,) Mrs. Patrick McDonald's, North street, extended, at 10 1/2
o'clock, this (Wednesday) morning, without further notice.
MILLER- On Tuesday morning, 15th instant, LOUIS MILLER. His friends and
aquaintance are respectfully invited to attend his funeral on this (Wednesday)
evening, at 5 o'clock, from his residence on the Frederick road, near the first
NICE - On the 15th instant, MARY REBECCA NICE, daughter of John H. and
Mary Nice, aged 2 months and 2 days.
HARRIS - On the 12th instant, WILLIAM HENRY, son of Sam'l. and Rebecca
Harris, aged 10 months and 4 days.
HUSTER - On the 4th instant, EDWARD McCOLGAN, youngest son of Andrew and
Ann F. Huster, aged 2 years, 2 months and 4 days.
Alas! How changed that lovely flower,
Which bloomed and cheered our heart --
Fair, fleeting comfort of an hour,
How soon we were called to part.
Dearest Edward thou hast left us --
Here thy loss we deeply feel;
But 'tis God who hath bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.
It as God who gave our Edward to us--
The appointed time he stood.
It is the Lord we plainly see,
He doeth what seemeth good.
Baltimore Sun of Tuesday Sept 5,1848
Submitted by: Anne Marie Willis
GOLD - On the 4th instant, in the 60th year of her age, Mrs. HARRIET
GOLD, consort of the late Capt. Jos. Gold.
Her relatives and friends are requested to attend her funeral, without further
notice, from the Infirmary, Lombard street, this (Tuesday) morning, at 10
o'clock. There will be a High Mass for the repose of her soul, at that hour, in
St. Peter's church, Poppleston st.
COLLIER - On the 4th instant, ELIZA ANN COLLIER, in the 31st year of her
age. Her friends and acquaintances are respectfully requested to attend her
funeral this (Tuesday) morning, at 10 o'clock, from her late residence, No. 123
Hollins street, without further notice.
HUSTER - On the 28th ultimo, AMANDA JANE, infant daughter of Andrew and
Ann F. Huster.
This tender plant, so young and fair,
Called hence by early doom;
Just come to show how sweet a flower
In paradise would bloom.
I take these little lamgs, said he,
And lay them in my breast;
Protection they shall find in me,
In me be ever blest.
(I am not sure if these two go with the one above. This is how it was
submitted to me)
On the 19th June, JAMES ROBB, aged 11 months and 14 days; also, on the 3d
WALTER SCOTT, aged 3 years and 2 months.
Fond mother, dry thy sorrowing tears,
They sleep in peace beneath the sod;
Thy faded flowers, through endless years,
Bloom in the garden of thy God.